Ryan O'Connor is a Life Coach, Spiritual Healer and Psychic Medium.

He first became aware of spirit as a young child, and they have been around him ever since.

In his early teen's his connection with spirit grew, and he became aware of his main spirit guide, named George.

Over the years Ryan has used his connection with spirit to deliver messages to friends and family members, in addition to offering spiritual healing to humans and animals.

In recent years, Ryan has begun to take a more active approach to his spiritual path, and has now committed himself to developing his abilities further to the betterment of society. He aims to enlighten others to the health and wellness benefits of becoming more spiritually attuned.

Ryan is based in London, United Kingdom, and his services are in high demand. All sessions are private to protect a clients confidentiality.

Appointments are limited, so please use the contact form to make your initial enquiry.